
Wavin Plastics, the UK’s leading provider of water management solutions, has launched a new computer game called Hyper Piper to drive plumbers around the u-bend.

Created to support the company’s new low noise push-fit soil system OSMA SiTech, this innovative and highly addictive game asks players to create their own continuous pipework system in just one minute using a variety of SiTech pipe parts supplied at random.

Denise O’Leary, customer marketing manager at Wavin Plastics, said: “Hyper Piper is easy to play but it’s really tough to get a high score so you want to just keep playing again and again!”

Hyper Piper follows the company’s hugely successful ‘Fire Your Boss’ computer game launched to drive sales of the company’s new 6 Boss soil manifold. Played by thousands of plumbers, architects and developers, the game was a fun but memorable way to promote the launch of the system to its target audience.

“The last game we launched proved to be a fun but powerful way to raise awareness of one of our key products, so we’re sure that Hyper Piper will be even better,” said O’Leary. “I challenge anyone to get a high score first time!”