
Protan (UK) Ltd continue to develop their strong relationship with architects by providing two diverse CPD presentations, Single Ply: Roofing Membranes…On the Crest of a Wave and Green Roof: Bio-diverse green systems for flat and pitched roofs.

The first, Single Ply Roofing Membranes…On the Crest of a Wave, demonstrates the great design flexibility single ply can offer in conjunction with sustainable performance. The CPD also focuses on Protan’s commitment to better roofing design by rethinking the construction process from start to finish.

Protan (UK) Ltd’s newest CPD focuses on the benefits of bio-diverse and green turf roofs for both flat and pitched roofs. Turf roofs have been used in Scandinavia for hundreds of years where Protan have gained unique experience, making them ideally suited for such projects. Protan also provide expert knowledge on both Intensive and Extensive roofing systems, making them the most suitable supplier of green roofs in the UK.