
NedZink is a Dutch-based company, founded in 1892. Craftsmanship and experience in producing the best A-quality zinc has always been the company’s driving force. That is why NedZink has become a passionate player in the market for rolled titanium zinc. An innovative corporation that is inspired by demand from architects, designers and users for existing and brand-new possibilities, producing titanium zinc, which is excellently moulded and processed in roof, outer wall and rainwater drainage systems. NedZink guarantees a quality status well above European basic standards, thanks to more than hundred years of experience.

Stimulator, inspirer and promoter

Since 1995 NedZink has been part of the leading international holding company Koramic Investment Group. The production takes place in the Dutch town of Budel-Dorplein and NedZink has sales offices in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. The company is a worldwide stimulator of durable and technically high-quality zinc applications. As a trading partner, the corporation is an inspirer with its reliable provision of knowledge, quality and service. And as a market leader NedZink is promoter of creative zinc possibilities.

Responsibility for the environment

The strength of NedZink lies not only in the A-quality and durability of the produced zinc. The company has also a long-standing tradition of deliberate entrepreneurship while accepting responsibility for people and the environment. Future-oriented business management and investments in up-to-date production techniques further strengthen the market position and create room for new developments.