
With Imageo, Arval is introducing a product to the market which enables images and graphics to be integrated into facades on a large scale using printed sheet steel. Whether large landscape panoramas, pictures of individual objects, drawings and writing by famous artists, or simply a company logo, Imageo transfers the architect’s or client’s own powers of imagination directly into the polyester coating of the steel sheet. This results in boundless possibilities for customised facade design.

All that is needed to use Imageo technology is data material with suitable resolution, for example in a jpg format. An Arval curtain wall facade, a thin sandwich panel or a simple double-skinned facade construction with sidings or cassettes can be used as the base. As backing material a coil-coated steel sheet is used, to which the pigmentation is transferred in a thermosetting coating. Then a clear varnish is applied, which provides UV and graffiti protection. Thanks to the use of a high-quality coating system, Arval provides a ten-year anti-corrosion warranty which also guarantees the durability of the image.

The maximum thickness of the backing material must not exceed 65mm. The maximum length of an element is 6.5m, its maximum width 2m. However, projects can be carried out on any scale by preparing the visual or graphic data accordingly and adjusting the facade arrangement. At the end of the life cycle, Imageo can be fully recycled just like any steel sheet building element.